Solar power is often given the status of clean and green energy as it is a renewable source of energy that causes no harm to the environment and mankind. This sustainable energy source reduces greenhouse gas emissions along with preserving the non-renewable sources often utilised in the generation

Solar power is often given the status of clean and green energy as it is a renewable source of energy that causes no harm to the environment and mankind. This sustainable energy source reduces greenhouse gas emissions along with preserving the non-renewable sources often utilised in the generation of electricity. If you are in doubt about how solar energy can benefit the health and environment other than just producing power, here are some points you can go through to find out:

• Reduces Carbon Dioxide Emissions

When it comes to climate change we are seeing in recent times, atmospheric carbon dioxide plays a critical role in it. Carbon is absorbed by the atmosphere and stays in there to radiate heat toward the earth, thereby causing more warmth that impacts the life and environment negatively. These threats can be reduced to a great level by switching to solar energy.

• Minimises Methane Emissions

Only a few people know about the effect of methane on the environment compared to carbon dioxide that is often blamed for climate change. Methane traps more heat and its impact is 25 times greater than carbon dioxide. Methane is emitted into the atmosphere after burning natural gas and petroleum. By switching to solar, the use of these non-renewable sources and methane can be reduced to a great extent.

• Prevents Ground Pollution

Non-renewable energy sources cause damage to the ground level in several ways. Oil spills and natural gas damages the plant and animal habitat by polluting the ground. Compared to them, solar panels do not contribute to ground pollution and releases no toxic emissions.

• Avoids Air Pollution

One of the major causes of air pollution is the burning of oil and fuel that have carcinogenic effects on the environment. Also, air pollutants have dangerous effects on the lungs and eyes and can cause long term defects. Solar panels don’t pollute the air and are the safest sources of power generation.

Solar energy emits no greenhouse gases and benefits households in a number of ways. They help in saving money on bills and makes your property more energy efficient. Solar panels do not pollute the ground or air or water in any way.

If you are planning to invest in solar panels to generate your own power, Silicon Solar is here to assist you. We specialise in solar system, inverter, and battery installation at affordable costs.

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